Embark on a thrilling UTV journey with “A Ride with the Ancients,” where you take the wheel and navigate the stunning landscapes of Kanab’s backcountry. Your adventure begins amidst the vast coral pink sand dunes, a mesmerizing backdrop to this unforgettable ride.
Embark on the East Zion Outback UTV Expedition, a privately guided journey deep into the untamed heart of Zion’s rugged backcountry. Strap in, because we’re about to unveil a world of hidden treasures and remote views of Zion Canyon that few have ever witnessed.
Join us for an unforgettable private guided UTV tour through the mesmerizing backcountry of Kanab, Utah, near Zion National Park. There is no place like this on Earth! This exclusive journey will take you to two of the region’s hidden gems: Peekaboo Slot Canyon and the awe-inspiring Great Chamber.
You’ll jump into one of our off-road vehicles to hit the sandy Southern Utah trails. We’ll take you to the hidden Peek-a-boo Slot Canyon where, as we hike through, we’ll tell you about the ancient and modern history of the area.
Hop on our off-road vehicle and head just north of Kanab through the desert back roads to the Great Chamber. This incredible alcove has one of the most stunning views of the Grand Staircase national monument.